I want to view the solved model papers from SBI bank

Answer Posted / vicky

can anybody suggest a book that he knows is having enough
knowledge to crack the PO's exam..

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I have Called fr SBI PO interview will u plz suggest wat kind of questions are asked i m already working in SBI as Assistant.


please............... mail bank po quetion papers with solution and trick to crack the bank po exam emailid deepika22589@yahoo.in


Hello sir/madam... I'm one of the selected candidate among recently held Postal Assistance Cadre.. I have been selected for the postal branch SBCO (Savings bank Control Office)... I wanted to know about the sort of work assigned to us in this post and also I have one more query. As the selection for above mentioned post is done on the basis of II PU eligibility, will I be able to apply for higher posts as a part of departmental exams?? Because I have finished my engineering Graduation in Computer Science.. Is there any higher posts which suits for my knowledge base....?? Please help me out with my questions.. It will be very helpful for me...


i am from Rajasthan who got selected in syndicate bank po (exam held on 29 august 2010).not yet received any appointment letter any one who receive pls tell me on my id vikram.yadav85@gmail.com .


hi.......i have attempted syndicate bank po exam on 29.08.10.i have done 80% in apps,reason,computer,english.i have done only 50% in general awareness?Is it enough to clear the exam


Hi,I have been selected for interview for probationary officer for Vijaya bank. Please send questions that may be asked in interview at kandwalrinkaj@gmail.com. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


please mail me the frequent questions asked at the time of den bank interview.


What is the role of RBI ?


well friends hello to everybody i have been selected for state bank of hyderabad as po.i also qualified for sbi interview for po.any idea what topics to prepare for GD specially for PO(rural business)


Dear Friends, I am doing my MCA Final Year. I am selected for postal assistant examination?. I want to go for job only. But i don't have eye sight of 6/12. will they reject after selecting me? Kindly reply


what does mean of npa in banking sector


Is there anyone who qualified for the PNB MT and went to give the Mains exam at Mumbai??? Pls come in touch regarding this....Any idea when they are going to declare the result of the Mains exam??


i appeared for andhra bank po interview recently.i scored 159/250 in ibps in gen category.i have 4 yrs banking exp in sbi as clerical staff.with jaiib.but my interview was not so good.wat r my chances to get selected


if anyone has already given gd & pi of sbi po, could u please send some information about gd topics to my email id patilvb4008@gmail.com


i am life sciences graduate.how should i justify this degree with bank po in the interview?