Which one of the following is not correct as far as the
impeachment of the President is concerned?

(a) When a President is to be impeached for violation of the
Constitution the charges can be preferred by either House of

(b) A resolution containing such charges can be moved after
at least fourteen days? notice in writing signed by not less
than one-fourth of the total members of that House has been
given of their intention to move the resolution

(c) Such a resolution has to be passed by a majority of not
less than three-fourths of the total membership of the House
which prefers the charges

(d) When a charge for impeachment has been preferred by
either House of the Parliament then the other House shall
investigate the charge or cause the charge to be
investigated and the President shall have the right to
appear and to be represented at such investigation through
his attorney

Answer Posted / guest

( c ) Such a resolution has to be passed by a majority of
not less than three-fourths of the total membership of the
House which prefers the charges

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