hi all, i have 1 flat file having 10 rows. like:-

id name amt
100 a 100
200 b 200
100 n 300
400 p 3000
100 a 100
600 x 6000

Now i want to load half of this data into one flat file and
remaining in other flat file.like :-

flat file 1

id name amt
100 a 100
200 b 200
100 n 300
flat file 2

id name amt
400 p 3000
100 a 100
600 x 6000

Plz reply me ASAP.

Answer Posted / shashank

source->SQ->exp[dummyRow=1]->sorter[sort by dummyRow]->
(input to 2 transformation,pipeline branching)
1. joiner[normal join on dummyRow]
2. aggregator[no group by,add port TotalNoOfRows with
expression COUNT(dummyRow)]
Sequence generator->joiner{say port name be RowNo}
{so, joiner will get input from 3 trn, sorter, seq gen &
Joiner->exp[add port halfNo with exp iff
(RowNo<=TotalNoOfRows/2,1,2)]-> router[halfNo=1,halfNo=2]
->Target1(if halfNo=1)
->Target2(if halfNo=2)

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