What do you mean by inline function?

Answer Posted / bujji

body of a function is simply coded in a single line.these
are easily compiled.

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This program numbers the lines found in a text file. Write a program that reads text from a file and outputs each line preceded by a line number. Print the line number right-adjusted in a field of 3 spaces. Follow the line number with a colon, then one space, then the text of the line. You should get a character at a time and write code to ignore leading blanks on each line. You may assume that the lines are short enough to fit within a line on the screen. Otherwise, allow default printer or screen output behavior if the line is too long (i.e., wrap or truncate). A somewhat harder version determines the number of spaces needed in the field for the line numbers by counting lines before processing the lines of the file. This version of the program should insert a new line after the last complete word that will fit within a 72-character line.


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