what is defect density

Answer Posted / iqubal

Defect Density
Defect Density Definition
Defect Density is the number of confirmed defects detected
in software/component during a defined period of
development/operation divided by the size of the
The 'defects' are:

* confirmed and agreed upon (not just reported).
* Dropped defects are not counted.

The ‘period’ might be for one of the following:

* for a duration (say, the first month, the quarter, or
the year).
* for each phase of the software life cycle.
* for the whole of the software life cycle.

The ‘size’ is measured in one of the following:

* Function Points (FP)
* Source Lines of Code

Defect Density Formula

Defect Density Uses

* For comparing the relative number of defects in
various software components so that high-risk components can
be identified and resources focused towards them
* For comparing software/products so that ‘quality’ of
each software/product can be quantified and resources
focused towards those with low quality.

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