What is BPT?

Answer Posted / sreeprasad

BusinessProcess Testing enables non-technical Subject

Matter Experts (working inQuality Center) to collaborate

effectively with Automation Engineers (working in QuickTest

professional). Together, you can build, document,and run

business process tests, without requiring programming

knowledge on the part of the Subject Matter

Expert.Components are easily-maintained, reusable units

that perform a specific task. They are the building blocks

of business process tests. Each component is comprised of

several application steps that are logically performed

together in a specific order. For example, in a Web

application, a login component might be comprised of four

steps. Its first step could be to open the application. Its

second step could be to enter a user name. Its third step

could be to enter a password, and its last step could be to

click the Submit button on the Web page. By creating and

calling functions stored in function libraries, you can

enhance the component with additional logic to test

important details of the login task. By design, each

component tests a specific part of an application. When

combined, components are incorporated into a business

process test in a

serial flow representing the main tasks performed within a

particular business process. For example, a business

process test for a flight reservation application may

include a login component, a flight finder component, a

flight reservation component, a purchasing component, and a

logout component.

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