Is LDA can be access accross the Job?

Answer Posted / yogesh

A local data area is created for each job in the system,
including autostart jobs, jobs started on the system by a
reader, and subsystem monitor jobs. The system creates a
local data area, which is initially filled with blanks,
with a length of 1024 and type *CHAR. When you submit a job
using the SBMJOB command, the value of the submitting job’s
local data area is copied into the submitted job’s local
data area. You can refer to your job’s local data area by

specifying *LDA for the DTAARA keyword on the CHGDTAARA,
RTVDTAARA, and DSPDTAARA commands or *LDA for the substring
built-in function (%SST).

The following is true of a local data area:
1. The local data area cannot be referred to from any other
2. You cannot create, delete, or allocate a local data area.
3. No library is associated with the local data area.
4. You cannot change the local data area in a secondary
v The ILE CL compiler generates code to ensure that a
procedure running in a
secondary thread cannot access the local data area while a
procedure running in
the initial thread is changing it.

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