What is the difference Between LowLevel and Normal

Recording Modes?

Answer Posted / sreeprasad

Low-Level Recording: Is useful if the exact coordinates of

the object are important for your test.

Normal recording: Is useful when the recording operations

that cannot be recorded at the level of an object.

Low level record is used to record the session even the

object is not recognized by the QTP.

2nd answer

Normal Level Is Object Context Level ; where QTP recognize

object with Physical Description Of only interacted object.

Low-Level Recording?enables you to record on any object in

your application, whether or not QuickTest recognizes the

specific object or the specific operation. This mode

records at the object level and records all run-time

objects as Window or WinObject test objects. Use low-level

recording for recording in an environment or on an object

not recognized by QuickTest. You can also use low-level

recording if the exact coordinates of the object are

important for your test or component.

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