this is lalitha.... i finished my B.E. degree last year...i
like to write group 1 exam.. i don kow anything about it,,
so will any one tel me .. hw to prepare for preliminary and
main exam.. and prescribed book plz..... my id is..
kindly reply

Answer Posted / surendar

read 6-12 science &social books.for general english or
general tamil know the grammer well.read daily hindu papers
for current affairs and get monthly magazine like
competition wizard etc.and read manorama year book both
tamil and english

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

are mbbs students eligible for group 1exam during their internship after completing final year


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i am doing...btech 3rd year..can i apply for groups....can any one help me...


how to prepare group1 exams?what is the syllabus for it.


hi plz tell me 26/9/2011 group 1 paper 1 easy or tuf


hi! can anyone of u send me the previous model papers of group1 mains which were given in 2008 notification brochure


Can any one guide me how to start preparing for Group1 exam.


Hi , Could someone please suggest me good institutes in vijayawada for APPSC Group 1 . .. Please help me


can u give me information about the best group1 coaching center available in hyderabad .... i am an engg student with distinction can that make my process of clearing group1 any way easy ??


i cmplted mba in andra university,can u pls help me how 2 prepare group 1 exam?vat is the syllabus?how 2 enter in group 1?


how many deputy collector posts will be freed every year


hello sir this is mshari studing 4 th btech.i want to join in ur institution for group1 coaching.plz send me fee details to my email


Hi, do I need to achive 50% marks in every subject or in grand total.


how i have to know about civils? like how to get application and what is the age limit .please inform me .now i am studying btech 3'rd year


what are the jobs that are provided if we prepare for groups