From Which Tcode can I view customer wise Back order (Open
Answer Posted / durga
Yes ,Sarayu is correct , i tried V_ra
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Hi SD Gurus, What is the difference between the Consignment Fill up (CF) & Consignment Pick up (CP) with relation to Sales Document Types, item Categories & Schedule line Categories? Also give definition of both Consignment Fill Up & Consignment Pick Up along with detailed explanation in relation to its configuration& customization steps along with Business Scenarios? Explain in detail about how do you copy an existing Sales Document type CF & CP, how do you name it ( Plz give Name key from your real time data)and what are the customizations you have done for your client? Do provide the document flow for both the Document Types CF & CP? Please provide as many real time data examples as many as possible with reference to your client/ Project? I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards