hi.i m preeti,got shortlisted for syndicate bank po
interview.When can we expect the interview to happen? n wat
shud we our main focus while preparing 4 it.....need to
revise btech subjects??Do they expect much for Banking
Terminology.plz provide me someuseful links in this

Answer Posted / ram

Recruitment 2009 results not published in 2009........... but published in 2010???????????

What a funny.... what a funny.......

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

Hi i am kranthi i have qualified for ibps po's exam, please send some interview questions


why job in bank is good for women


hi,, i have been selected for idbi assitant manager written..cld anybody help me out..that on which part shld i do i concentrate,,


assets and liailitie, bank duties, ombudsman, contingent liability


please contribute all those who are appearing for idbi assistant manger interview............will b helpful for all of us


i am from Rajasthan who got selected in syndicate bank po (exam held on 29 august 2010).not yet received any appointment letter any one who receive pls tell me on my id vikram.yadav85@gmail.com .


Hello Sir I have done BAMS and MBA Health and hospital management. I have clear Indian bank specialist office credit sale II exam and interview is on date 3 aug 2015. Please suggest some good answers for question why you want to join bank after completion of your degree in medical profession?


Hi, myself Garima,i have been shortlisted for the OBC PO interview,how to prepare for it ,if someone has cleared any such interview kindly share your experiences and give useful suggestions...............


Has anyone any idea about when will be the UCO Bank PROBATIONARY OFFICERS (PO) interview when exam help ON 30 Jan 2011. anyone got call letters or email ?


Hi I have been selected for central bank of India Po.My interview is on 23 nov 2010.I have done B.E.(CS) in 2007.I have one year experience but for 2 yrs i dont have experience also I am not doing any job.Will they reject me.also please tell me some technical questions that they can ask me.


Hi,I have been selected for interview for probationary officer for Vijaya bank. Please send questions that may be asked in interview at kandwalrinkaj@gmail.com. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


why you want to join SBI as a clerk when you are qualified enough for the post of an Officer? Don't you think you are over qualified for the job of a clerk?


questions when did u finish ur Postgrad what did u do in the gap (2005-2010) what subjects did you study in management tell me something about ur project what are ur recommendations what is tqm what is quality circle what is 360 degree appraisal what are mummies in india do they mummify some teachings of swami vivekanada u did management then y look out to work with bank what is warli painting… (something about my hobbies)\ some questions about my state – who is ruling party in kerala, how many mps are in kerala, who is the chief minister? How many members in lok sabha a rajya sabha? How many members are nominated by president in RS? What is sin 20, sin 60, sin90? What is a set What is null set What is disjoint set?


ANYBODY has any idea, When would the LIC housing Finance assistant interview result be declared..the interviews were in February, but there is no update on the website.


hi.i m yasmin ,i ve been selected for sbi associate and my gd+interview in on 27th july... can any1 help me by answering some of my queries... i m a b.com graduate and i want to know about the interview questionnaire..besides i too want to know about the gd topics, if any1 can tell me what kind of topics they give in gd.. i ll b really grateful to them..thax..my mail id is.. jasmin_intouch@yahoo.co.in