1 what is private vlam

2 if there is a router which have two fast Ethernet from
from fa0/0 network is connected
from fa0/1 network is connected
all bacsic routing is done
will they communicate
3 what is difference between snmp v1 v2 and v3

what difference between name and stranded access list

Answer Posted / jitendera

A private VLAN is technique in computer networking where a
VLAN contains switch ports that are restricted, such that
they can only communicate with a given "uplink". The
restricted ports are called "private ports". Each private
VLAN typically contains many private ports, and a single
uplink. The uplink will typically be a port (or link
aggregation group) connected to a router, firewall, server,
provider network, or similar central resource.

The switch forwards all frames received on a private port
out the uplink port, regardless of VLAN ID or destination
MAC address. Frames received on an uplink port are
forwarded in the normal way (i.e., to the port hosting the
destination MAC address, or to all VLAN ports for unknown
destinations or broadcast frames). "Peer-to-peer" traffic
is blocked.

A typical application for a private VLAN is a hotel where
each room has a port for Internet access. Allowing direct
data link layer communication between customer nodes would
expose the local network to various security attacks, such
as ARP spoofing, as well as increasing the potential for
damage due to misconfiguration.

Another application of private VLANs is to simplify IP
address assignment. Ports can be isolated from each other
at the data link layer (for security, performance, or other
reasons), while belonging to the same IP subnet.

Note that while private VLANs provide isolation at the data
link layer, communication at higher layers may still be
possible, through the uplink connection.

yeah they will comunicate

3rd one is easy one try your self

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