can any one tell whats the difference between smoke testing
and sanity testing

Answer Posted / sailaja

The answer which I am giving is purely on my analysis by
understanding the concept.

Sanity testing is the one which we are going to perform on
each build before going for rigorous testing with a set of
preliminary test cases. Based on the execution of these
testcase we can decide whether to go with through testing
or suspend the testing for fixing before further
execution. Since we are deciding the reasonableness it may
be considered in two aspects. One is for further/rigorous
testing. And some of the practioners says we peform this
type of testing before we ship the build to customer.

In summary it is going to considered for two reasons. 1.
for rigorous testing and another one is before ship the

Where as Smoke Test was introduced by Microsoft when they
were developing the NT 4 in which everyday they were
releasing the new build with new component(code segment) or
modifying the existing one. Smoke test was performed by
Microsoft to ensure that no smoke comes out with these
changes. Till then Smoke test was performed by many people
in the Hardware environment.

Please correct me if my understanding is not correct

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