what is difference bettween High level documents and low
level documents wht is covered in it ? when does tester
uses this ie wht level of testing?

Answer Posted / tj.valiyamattam

High Level Document is the Document which is explaning the
client need and expected system. It will cover the existing
system, issues with the existing system, goal of the new
system, SRS,Patern and architecture to be used, Technology
and tools to be used for the development and testing, DB
diagram, protocols to be used, data communication criteria,
modules to be developed. An HLD will be an input to the
LLD. This document can be used by a tester before
acceptance testing.

Low level documnt will be divided as modules as per the
HLD. Each modules should again divided as functionalities.
Each functionality document will have the functionality
head, Whole desciption of the functionality, Controls to be
used and naming conventions to be followed, to or from
dependancies (how to activate this functionality and the
output after this functionality), DB objects which
afecting, DB objects to be used, A screen shot of the GUI
(look and feel), And the expected result of the
functionality. A tester can do the integration testing
based on the LLD.

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