Hi freinds..im priyan 4rm banglore. i recently got an job
on 2+(manual testing) by faq experience.in 2 days im going
2 join in company. now, can u any tel me pls how s there n
company & environment. and what work did they give for me
in starting & vat work shal i do there..? pls give me reply
& help me soon. pls dont mind.

Answer Posted / navneet likhar


Firtstly, u hve to read project carefully and then u got
study Software requirement (SRS) & Write
TEst Cases on basis of SRS & Execute the & The Results.If
the result are not mactching then expected result are post
into the
defect tracking tool. and u have also need to assign
severity of that bug.

I also need a job, still searching rightnow. If there is
any vacancy plz inform me. I hve done MCA.
e-mail: likhar.cool@gmail.com

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