Difference between static and dynamic RAM?

Answer Posted / rohan

Dynamic RAM is the most common type of memory in use today.
Inside a dynamic RAM chip, each memory cell holds one bit
of information and is made up of two parts: a transistor
and a capacitor. These are, of course, extremely small
transistors and capacitors so that millions of them can fit
on a single memory chip. The capacitor holds the bit of
information -- a 0 or a 1 (see How Bits and Bytes Work for
information on bits). The transistor acts as a switch that
lets the control circuitry on the memory chip read the
capacitor or change its state.

Static RAM uses a completely different technology. In
static RAM, a form of flip-flop holds each bit of memory
(see How Boolean Gates Work for detail on flip-flops). A
flip-flop for a memory cell takes 4 or 6 transistors along
with some wiring, but never has to be refreshed. This makes
static RAM significantly faster than dynamic RAM. However,
because it has more parts, a static memory cell takes a lot
more space on a chip than a dynamic memory cell. Therefore
you get less memory per chip, and that makes static RAM a
lot more expensive.

So static RAM is fast and expensive, and dynamic RAM is
less expensive and slower. Therefore static RAM is used to
create the CPU's speed-sensitive cache, while dynamic RAM
forms the larger system RAM space.

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