Writing Test Cases is Verification or Validation?
Executing Test Cases is Verification or Validation?

Answer Posted / mjt

It depends on what you are trying to accomplish with the
tests. Writing the test cases can be the administrative
side of both verification and validation. During
verification you are attempting to see if you built the
software or hardware correctly. During Validation you
intent is to ensure that you built the correct software or
hardware (according to requirements). If you do not have
separate objectives you are doubling your work in one area.

Now, as for executing test cases you again are performing
the second section for each test phase. If you are not
writing and executing test cases for each phase, have you
really performed the testing necessary to gather the
required evidence?

In short, writing and executing test cases are both a
function of verification and validation. If you do not have
test cases for each test phase both written and executed
you cannot prove that the test phase was completed and
closed out. One difference between the two is that from an
audit perspective, your validation test cases must maintain
traceability to requirements and be reviewed, approved, and
controlled before execution can begin.

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