You are the decision maker. You have two train lines. One
line is used by trains often. And the other one is used by
only one train aday at morning.

In midday, 5 children went to play with balls. They went to
play on these two lines. 4 Children choose to play on the
second line (often a busy line of trains) and only one (the
youngest one) choose to play on the deserted line

At a certain time a train (that can never be stopped came on
the second line). You can switch to go on deserted line.

Anyhow, if you are the decision maker, will you choose first
or second line? and Why? (Children/child on chosen line will
be killed by the train, there is no escape)

Answer Posted / srinath...

The thing is... there is a reason the deserted line is
DESERTED after morning.. it must be under construction ot
something.. SO,. if u choose the deserted line you are not
only being immoral to the wise kid but you also risk the
lives of all the people on the train (train might lead to a
bigger accident up ahead!!). so the train must move in the
line on which originally was making it safer for the people
on the train too..

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