Hi am having stammering problem,when i am cool i will speak
well, but when i am in hurry or enthusiastic or anxiety
about any thing i begin to stammer any one of u can help me
out to reduce my stammering

Answer Posted / louisa

As a stammerer myself I can understand exactly what you
mean. Most times, it is not practical to "count from 100
to 1 for 5 times" as you may be in situations where this is
not practical (and quite frankly people making jokes out of
any disability doesn't help much either!!).

Basically, it's all about breathing, although I still
stammer myself, especially in job interview situations,
I've found that hurrying to get the word or words out means
that you're trying to avoid the stammer being detected and
you think that whoever you're speaking to wants you to
finish the sentence NOW! lol. When in fact, they're not
waiting to hear you become dysfluent, they may not even
know that you have a stammer, but by you trying to "hide"
it, it becomes more obvious and apparent!

Breathe first ans speak slowly, even monotone if necessary
and more importantly, don't worry about the reaction of the
person/s you are speaking to, believe me, they are rooting
for you to overcome your stammer!

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