who is the best faculty in Hyderabad for QTP?
Answer Posted / praveen
g c reddi is a good faculty for QTP, he is taking classes
in Real time orientation. but for understanding his class
programming knowledge is compolsary
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What contains Data Driven Framework document in qtp?
hou can we use vb script in qtp could u tell me breafly
what is the difference between data driver & data driven and driver script?
Is it possible to call win runner script in qtp?
Hi, I am using 2 excel sheet.First excel sheet works fine with the script, if it opens the 2nd excel sheet,it works fine,but after finish all the rows it is giving the following error in the following line. InValid Procedure call or argument Line (178): "Browser("name:="&result,"application version:=internet explorer 7").Page ("title:=bgt.*", "index:=0").WebList ("name:=SearchType","html id:=Select1","location:=0").Select SearchType1". I have seen a web article says that,If we use any vbscript friendly name it may gives the above error-Invalid procedure call or argument not sure,Am I using any VBScript frienlyName? in the above line? [but the same line is perfecly working for first Excel ] It is little urgent. Any Help Thanks you
1. wat are the main diff b/w QTP 8.0 AND QTP 9.2 ( not user interface) 2. wat is the meaning of Keyword in keyword driven frame work? 3. how u will handle the unknown errors while exucution. (not recovery scenario)
What is Cross browser testing? Does UFT support it?
I recorded a Web App with a Oracle backend using QTP 9.5 and for some reason the scripts don't play back> What am I missing at this point. I recorded the same Apps under Sybase and they work great. This is Oracle 10g. Why won't my scripts play back.
what r the main attributes of test automation?
If u r using library files (Instead of Check Points) , How do u do bitmap check ?
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When Recovery scenario actually starts while testing the application?
The structure of keyword driven frame work is like a folder structure the different sub folder are 1-functional libray folder 2-object repository folder 3- database folder 4-appliction1.xls 5-initalzation vbs file 6-sequence file 7-driver script 8-test case list file My question is whether these are in a local server machine or in our pc.((whether It like Vss). can u give example of driver script(code)
What is reusable action?