why should i select you?

Answer Posted / rakesh

well i have some experience about working under pressure and under given deadline,i can handle people and make them to give their best,i know how to deal with my clients and colleagues and i am willing to put up my innovative ideas for development in this field.

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Write a C program to help a HiFi’s Restaurant automate its breakfast billing system. Your assignment should implement the following items: a. Show the customer the different breakfast items offered by the HiFi’s Restaurant. b. Allow the customer to select more than one item from the menu. c. Calculate and print the bill to the customer. d. Produce a report to present your complete program and show more sample output. Assume that the HiFi’s Restaurant offers the following breakfast menu: Plain Egg $2.50 Bacon and Egg $3.45 Muffin $2.20 French Toast $2.95 Fruit Basket $3.45 Cereal $0.70 Coffee $1.50 Tea $1.80


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