A server is running HTTP, SMTP and DHCP. Which of the
following best explains how the server is able to handle
all three services over the same connection?
The server has separate buffer areas for each
application and forwards all data to each service. If the
data does not apply to that application, it is discarded.
The server processes each packet one at a time and
forwards the data to the application that indicates that it
is waiting for a transmission to arrive. The data is
discarded if it does not apply to that application.
The server uses the destination port number in the
TCP/UDP header to identify the service. The data is
forwarded to the service identified by the port number.
The server uses separate three-way handshake connections
to control the flow of the data and relates the service to
the proper connection. This relationship allows the server
to pass the data to the proper service.

Answer Posted / jitendera sinha

The server uses the destination port number in the
TCP/UDP header to identify the service. The data is
forwarded to the service identified by the port number.

i am also not sure plz let me know

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