A principal difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic
DNA replication is

a) completely different proteins/enzymes in eukaryotes

b) multiple origins in eukaryotes

c) no requirement for topoisomerase activity in prokaryotes

d) the absence of a nucleus in prokaryotes

Answer Posted / eb

Actually several of these answers are correct.

A. There are differnet enzymes involved in DNA replication
in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. For example in prokaryotes
there is an additional form of polymerase I discovered by a
scientist named Klenow. Thus it is named Klenow. This
prokaryotic polymerase I derivative functions like
polymerase I in every way except it does not have the 5'-
>3' exonuclease activity.

B. is obviously correct and has already been mentioned by
someone else.

C. Kinda goes along with answer a, but here it is anyway.
In Eukaryotes Topoisomerase acts to stabalize DNA during
replication by introducing negative coils. This activity
relieves the stress of unwinding the DNA and prevents
supercoiling. In eukaryotes this enzyme is called Gyrase.

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