i want all types of question paper in related to hotel
management course and its answer also

Answer Posted / kalewar grewal insan

Introduction to Hospitality :
The main thing is to know everything and all post
and hierarchy of a hotel. Then you must be knowing about the
all abbreviation of the hotel chain. Always prepare the
slides and presentations that you have prepared till now.
Not only your own made presentation but also the all
presentations than are prepared by the 0ther students in
your batch and class. Also know that responsibilities and
duties of the whole staff. You must be knowing about the
main hotel chains of the world, like which hotel is of which
type and who is the owner of that hotel? Also prepare the
basic things about a hotel, that what should be the basic
facilities and the basic needs of a guest. Try to understand
the basic needs of a guest. Just suppose yourself as a guest
and then try to understand the basic that what would you
like to have as the facilities in a hotel? Mainly , there is
always a question in a question paper that what are the
classifications of a hotel and restaurant chains. Also know
all about the details of the classified hotels or restaurants.

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

Why do you think you would benefit from this course?


Why you want to go for hospitality course to abroad.


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Have you ever had an Emergency?


why do you want to join our hotel


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2. Why did you choose this career?


In what way can you contribute to the growth of our company?


what are the things you like most?


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