hi this is sujitha.I am preparing for UPSC civils services
exam. where can i get civils (mains) material for public
administration.plz suggest me if any link is provided or
name of the book.

Answer Posted / chaithnayakumar.t

hi sujitha,
In Prilims:-Mohit battacharya;s-New Horizons of India and
Laxmikanth TATA Mcgrwl is enoug..

In mains-PAPER-1 ---Mohit battacharya;s-New Horizons of
India,Sadana Sharma -theories and Practise,Prasad& Prasad
Ad Thinkers,Avasti and Mahesawari is Enough

Paper-2:Rajini goyal--Indian Administration
Note:--Writing Practisce is IMP here....All the
Best ..ChaithnayaKumar.T

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tell me about your dream and desires? If granted wishes from god to come true ? what you would like them to be ?


What do you know about Airforce, Army, Navy ?


what you will do if police comes and arrests your father in charge of corruption??


ifyou were required to organize a team & execute the mountain climbing task & execute the mountain climbing task,where would you like to be ?& why what all the activities you would take responsibility ??


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Does being married mean that you can only work in the town ??


what do you do when you get two different and contradietory options ? how do you decide then ?


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How are you surviving without a job?


How do you perform under pressure ??


why u did not selected ncc in school"???


What do your parents think about your applying for defence ??


As a msc math how are you better then other graduates in a soldiers roles?


what your view about-women liberalization ??