can any1 send documents on how 2 understand Workflow, with
say a simple example to try out in SAP ?
Answer Posted / sohail
Workflow is the flow of information from one person to
another and so on based on certain hierarchy at a corporate
level. Thus a work flow is needed to pass on right
information to right person on right time. The work flow is
set based on the business rules of a company. This
information may be in form of an email or an e-document.
1. Leave request.
After an employee applies for a leave permission through
system, the application request is routed to the
appropriate immediate boss or supervisor for approval. The
supervisor or the boss can view the leave request after
logging in the system and can either approve or reject the
leave request. If the leave is approved, the employee
receives the mail in his system informaing that the leave
has been approved. Thus the work flow gets closed over
here. But if the leave is not approved and the supervisor
requests the reason or cutting down number of days for
which the leave has been applied for (for e.g.) to the
employee, the employee accordingly replies through his
2. As in case of e-procurement, the generation of purchase
order for certain amount needs to be approved through some
higher level authority before it is send to vendor for
procurement. the purchase order then passes to the
authority and based upon his/her inputs the purchase order
is routed to vendor or gets rejected.
To summarize the above examples, workflow is nothing but
the flow of information in the corporate hierarchy, usually
through mails or e-document. The entire wrokflow need to be
set up based on business rules and scenarios of the company.
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