Have you studied buses? What types?

Answer Posted / arpit raj

Buses are divided into three subassemblies:

The address bus transports memory addresses which the
processor wants to access in order to read or write data. It
is a unidirectional bus.

The data bus transfers instructions coming from or going to
the processor. It is a bidirectional bus.

The control bus transports orders and synchonisation signals
coming from the control unit and travelling to all other
hardware components. It is a bidirectional bus, as it also
transmits response signals from the hardware.

There are primary buses which are of two types:

There are generally two buses within a computer:

the internal bus (front-side bus, or FSB for short). The
internal bus allows the processor to communicate with the
system's central memory (the RAM).

the expansion bus (input/output bus) allows various
motherboard components (USB, serial, and parallel ports,
cards inserted in PCI connectors, hard drives, CD-ROM and
CD-RW drives, etc.) to communicate with one another.
However, it is mainly used to add new devices using what are
called expansion slots connected to the input/outpur bus.

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