what is sturcture of a composite flower?

Answer Posted / anithaisro

The main characteristic of the Asteracea is the composite
or compound nature of their flowers, or more properly
their "inflorescences". An inflorescence is an arrangement
of flowers in a cluster. What we would call an
individual "flower" on an aster or sunflower is, in fact, a
dense cluster of many tiny flowers, called "florets". Look
closely at an aster, daisy, sunflower or any other member
of the Asteracea and you can see the individual florets.
Most of the florets, that form the centre or disc of
the "flower", are tubular in shape and have no petals.
Around the edge of the "flower" are florets which have a
single petal attached to their outer edge. This array of
single-petalled florets encircling the other densely packed
florets appears to us to be a single "flower". The whole
inflorescence sits in a cup-like structure called an
involucre, which is a whorl of bracts (scaly, leaf-like
structures) below the "flower".

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