How do you differentiate Hardwood from Softwood?

Answer Posted / anithaisro

Softwoods originate from coniferous trees (also known as
evergreens, or gymnosperms). Rather than losing their
leaves all at one time, they tend to shed their leaves
(which resemble and are called "needles") throughout the
year and bear cones.

Hardwoods, on the other hand, come from deciduous trees
which lose their leaves throughout the year and produce
seeds covered with some kind of covering (sometimes a fruit
or nut).

Boreal forests located in the northern latitudes contain
mostly softwoods, while the equatorial regions of the world
grow mostly hardwoods.

Softwood trees include cedar, cypress, fir, hemlock, larch,
pine, redwood, spruce and yew. Hardwood trees include oak,
beech, ash, maple and cherry.

Most things constructed of wood today are made from
softwood. Softwood is less expensive to use. It grows more
faster than hardwood, and since it can be replenished more
quickly it is thought to be a more environmentally friendly
option. Hardwoods are often used for their beautiful
grains, and high-end furniture and floors are made with a
hardwood like oak or maple.

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