Give classification of cyanobacteria?

Answer Posted / anithaisro

The cyanobacteria were traditionally classified by
morphology into five sections. The first three -
Chroococcales, Pleurocapsales, and Oscillatoriales - are
not supported by phylogenetic studies. However, the latter
two - Nostocales and Stigonematales - are monophyletic, and
make up the heterocystous cyanobacteria.

The members of Chroococales are unicellular and usually
aggregate in colonies.

In Pleurocapsales, the cells have the ability to form
internal spores (baeocytes).

The rest of the sections include filamentous species.

In Oscillatoriales, the cells are uniseriately arranged and
do not form specialized cells (akinetes and heterocysts).

In Nostocales and Stigonematales the cells have the ability
to develop heterocysts in certain conditions.

Stigonematales, unlike Nostocales, includes species with
truly branched trichomes.

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