How baddebts received effects in trial balance and

Answer Posted / mudunoori

If bad debts Received, it will affect the Profit and loss
account. It wont affect balance Sheet. bad Debts will be
allowed as deduction from total income. If received in next
it will be taken in to P&L account under other income.

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please answer this question.the following balances were extracted from the books of modern traders on 31st dec, assets(45000)stock1-1-2010(15000)sundry debtors(20600)productive exp(3300)reserves fund(6600)discount received(800)cash in hand(6200)drawing(5000)accomulated dep.(9000)purchases(82000)bad debts(400)unproductive exp.(27400)sundry creditors(9000)sales(120000)cash at bank(25500).adjustments.stock on 31-12-2010(15000).outstanding wages (5000) write-off (600)of further bad debts. create provision for bad & doubtful debts at {5%) on debtors.unproductive expenses includes anitem of prepaid insurance (100).provide depreciation on original cost of fixed assets @ (10%).


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