What is a unary operator?

Answer Posted / mahesh

unary operators r much useful in writting less code but much complex programms as they work on only one operator.

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Write a program to compute for numeric grades for a course. The course records are in a file that will serve as the input file. The input file is in exactly the following format: Each line contains a student's first name, then one space, then ten quiz scores all on one line. The quiz scores are in whole number and are separated by one space. Your program will take it input from this file and sends it output to a second file. The data in the output file will be exactly the same as the data in the input file except that there will be one additional number (of type double) at the end of each line. This number will be the average of the student's ten quiz scores. Use at least one function that has file streams as all or some of its arguments.


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