Hi every body, I am new to QTP.pls help me if anybody knows
the solution.
Here is my doubt:
I have 3 excel sheets in my local drive out of which one is
password protected and i want to get the data of all these
xL's either by importing or by reading the data finally i
have to update this data in the website.(and the site is
secured site)

I tried by importing all XL"s one by one but couldn't do so.
plss send me the code or atleast suggest me the approach.
Thanks in Advance

Answer Posted / swapna

Hi ,
There is simple solution which you need to do is try to
access the excel through by creating the object.
See sample script
Function HomePage()
Dim fso, Root, HtmlResFile
Dim appExcel
'Defining the File object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

'Setting the path
'Root = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\sragi\\Desktop\\MCGATF-
'Root = App.Path + "\KR2xRegressionSet_Framework"
Root = App.Path
ExcelPath = Root + "\\Qtp_Excel_Results\\Results.xlsx"
'Creating html file
Set HtmlResFile = fso.CreateTextFile(Root
+ "\Qtp_Html_Results\Regression_Summary_Results.html",
True, False)
'Closing the Html created file
'Opening the above created html file for writing
Set HtmlResFile = fso.OpenTextFile(Root
+ "\Qtp_Html_Results\Regression_Summary_Results.html", 2,
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Open the Result file
appExcel.Visible = True
Set objWorkBook = appExcel.Workbooks.Open(ExcelPath)
'Open the Result file
Set objSheet = appExcel.Sheets(1)
With objSheet
TotalExecutedTcs = .Range("C7")
End With
For j = 11 To objSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Status = objSheet.Range("G" & j)
If Status = "Pass" Then
Passcount = Passcount + 1
Failcount = Failcount + 1
End If

TotalPass_Percentage = Round((Passcount * 100) /

TotalFail_Percentage = Round((Failcount * 100) /


this function will read the data from the excel and reports
to the html output. This is not the direct solution of your
problem but the methods which are used will solve your

Search in google to read the excel which has password
protection. Already I have posted the code in the QTP Blog
earlier.... along with it you can get other experts code...

Happy learning...

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