1.In report, we should have to write events in sequential
order or not,if we write events insequential then what will
be the drawback and if we will sequential what will be the
2.what is the fucnction of end-of-selection even? if we
would not write this event in report what will happen?
3.top-of-page event will trigger before the
initialization,and at selection-screen event or after these
two event.
Answer Posted / sirisha
Not Necessary for the events to be in a sequential order.
During run time, the events will be triggered automatically
in the sequence.
But it is suggested to write the events in a sequence for
the user to easily understand the flow of program and for
the efficiency purpose.
END-OF-SELECTION: Will be normally used to free the memory
and display the write statements once all the fetching is
done. But it is not mandatory or necessary to write
END-OF-SELECTION. If any event is missing in the sequence,
the next event will be triggered automatically.
INITIALIZATION initializes the filed values in the
selection screen. This is done before at-selection screen,
before PBO.
TOP-OF-PAGE: This is used to display the required text on
the top of the page as header. This event will come AFTER
INITIALIZATION event only !!
Here is the flow of events:
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