hello guys,is central bank of india clerical written exam
result declared???site homepage and recruitment page is nt
working.do anyone have news abt its result declaration??
Answer Posted / man
No stuti,as of 24th july 5p.m. the result is not yet out
and dont worry,in next 10 days it'l b out..also when the
result is out,it will b displayed on banks website and also
u will get an SMS or email that the result is out. so relax
and keep praying..lol
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Any who had apered for SBI CLERK GRADE INTERVIEW at Dehradun SBI Learning center at 8:30 am on 28th April.2010 Post your views here Atul kashipur Uttarkhand
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me: (may i come in) good evening sirs, good evening mam.(with a smile in face) INT1: ask me to take my seat me: thank you sir Int1: u anitha.....completed MCA me: yes sir int1: k fine. Tell about how you are great? me: (think a while) int1: tell abt ur greatness in MCA....regarding ur project, paper presentations me: Sir, I have to tell abt my project r paper presentation? int1: anyone as u wish me: explain abt my project. int1: (ask some doubts regarding project) me: explained it clearly. int1: what made u to choose this project? me: since there are many hackers....eventhough there are so many technology to restrict it ....i choose this project at my level . int1: ur performance is good anitha me: thank you sir int2: you have mentioned that u have done paper presentations at national level,state level... me: ya...i have done so many but i had mentioned only one which i got prize... int2: k fine. tell me abt that topic. me: explained.... int2 : do u have account? me: ya i have account in SBI int1: in which branch? me: said the branch int2: do u opt for mobile banking facility? me:no i have not applied for that. int2: have u heard that even in SBI we have mobile banking facility? me: s i heard abt that int2: can u say wat it means? me: said abt mobile banking int2: u have mentioned abt NSS....wat have u done there? me: said abt camp, area we participated, theme of that camp, etc int1: good....well said. me: thank you sir. int3: what are the types of network? me: said LAN,WAN like that int1: wats that like tat? me: sry sir, i know only these two int3: can u tell abt tat? me: said abt LAN and WAN int3:what is HUB? me: said clearly abt HUB
being a b.tech graduate,why are you opting for this banking career?
i m b.com(h) graduate and i have only school and gazatted officer character certificate .i have no college character certificate.what i do