hello guys,is central bank of india clerical written exam
result declared???site homepage and recruitment page is nt
working.do anyone have news abt its result declaration??
Answer Posted / hemant kumar singhal
Hi ! every body please send me an email when the result of
CBI clerical exam 2009 is declared at hsinghal42@gmail.com
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hi, friends. I have cleared Corporation Bank clerk interview. Now waiting for appointment. Is there anybody who have got his appointment? when will be the appointment?
why would you want to go in the bank?
aLL SBI Aspirants from UTTARAKHAND share your views to help each other here.
you have done BE in computer science branch.So why you want to join the bank clerk? plz give me the positive ans regarding the above statement? and send the logic behind it? please send the ans to mail id "akashpatel03@hotnmail.com"
why i am going to hire you?
if you got not selected than what you do next?
Hi I have selected for clerical post in vijaya bank and Canara bank . which one is good to join?
Iam shortlisted for sbi asso clerk interview and i have few doubts regarding documents which are to be carried. (1) Should both the character certificates be in same format?(because college have their own format). (2) Is application form mandatory? (3) Bio data form photocopies should be taken before gazetted officer signs on the form or after signing? (4) All the documents attested by gazetted officer is mandatory including photocopies of bio data form?
kOI BATAYEGA Why SBI making so much delay in declaring result any idea? ATUL KASHIPUR (UTTRAKHAND)
what is the function of a clerk in bank?
what are the marketing questions may be asked for SBI clerical interview
I am an engineering graduate and working with a pay of 15k in hyd . I got a job in associated bank in sbi as a clerk . I am totally confused in choosing Bank or my same job . please suggest me with including the scope and faults in SBI
why banking field is better than other field in government sector................reply fast