I am given a sequential algorithm that does a routine search
on an unordered list. N = 20.
The probability that the value x does NOT appear in the list
is exactly 60%, and the probability that x DOES appear is 40%.
The 3 questions that I could not get were:

A) What is the avg number of element comparisons performed
when n = 20 and x does NOT appear in the List.
(my answer was 20, is this correct?)

B) What is the avg number of element comparisons peformed
when n = 20 and x DOES appear in the list?

C) What is the avg number of element comparisons performed
when n = 20. This should be a single number answer they said.

Answer Posted / bond

A) What is the avg number of element comparisons performed
when n = 20 and x does NOT appear in the List. (my answer
was 20, is this correct?)

è I guess 12.

B) What is the avg number of element comparisons peformed
when n = 20 and x DOES appear in the list?

è I guess 8.

C) What is the avg number of element comparisons performed
when n = 20. This should be a single number answer they

è I guess 8.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 10 No

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