hello guys,is central bank of india clerical written exam
result declared???site homepage and recruitment page is nt
working.do anyone have news abt its result declaration??
Answer Posted / manu444
hi anita,well my question is very old!!!result will be
declared soon on www.centralbankofindia.co.in before 1st
of august!!
manmeet_acm@yahoo.com we can discuss further abt bank exams
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Hi friends i am M.Ponraj, i have been selected for the post of Sorting Assistant in RMS'T'Division(Tiruchirapalli), Department of Posts, India on December 29th 2009. In trichy division 23 candidates were selected and 10 of them were given induction training and they are to be posted in trichy division. I am waiting for the induction training. In the mean time i got selected in the SBI-Clerk written exam and attended the interview for it in Chennai on 26th April 2010. Any one selected as Sorting Assistant in RMS attended SBI-Clerk interview on april or may 2010. If so Please mail me to mponrajbe@gmail.com Thanks, M.Ponraj (+91-9655975726) 22nd May 2010
Hi all, While I'm applying for the written exam wrongly I gave as general and later I came to know bef the interview tht I'm BC:(..I got proper singatures at the back of the call letter..but while interviewing me they dint consder tht.Will it be a negative for me during the selection and under which category i'll be considered Can any one guide me regarding this.
i m b.com(h) graduate and i have only school and gazatted officer character certificate .i have no college character certificate.what i do
Why you don't try in civil sector
hi, my hobbies are calligraphy and danceing ...so which type of question can be asked frm my hobbies .....plz reply fast bcoz my interview is on 6th may...
PLZ give me ans for this questions, How will you handle the pressure of customer? What will you do if any customer misbehave with you? What is the current financial situation of nationalized banks?
hi,what computer questions ther r asking for MCA students as iam having more than 5 yrs gap?
Has anybody who has been selected as SBI CLERICAL in the April interview against 11000 posts recieved appointment letter or any other letter from the bank? plz let us know.
any one take the interview on 26 to 10 may from chennai
sir plz send me previous 5 years questions papers of bank of india clerical on my emailid->bpraichur@gmail.com
I m selected for junior assistance post in repco bank. Any body give advice how to attend interview.
Please Help...... One of my close relative leady ( Married) presently working at state bank of hyderabad at hyderabad, her husbend also working in PVT company at hyderabad. Now she selected at UCO Bank for the post of PO.in the offer letter they have not mentioned place of posting. but they mentioned report for training at bhubaneswar , orissa . Now she is confussion wether she will join at UCO bank or not.as she dont know the place of posting .also she is affriding if they post at orissa , or otherthen hyderabad then her femily life will distrub. SO PLEASE HELP HER BY GIVING YOUR VALUABLE SUGGESTION.
what is difference between bank's products and services?
why do you want to joint banking sector?