hello guys,is central bank of india clerical written exam
result declared???site homepage and recruitment page is nt
working.do anyone have news abt its result declaration??

Answer Posted / anita

than how can we know whether the result come or not and
whcih date resule declared

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Sbi Clerk interview 2010 28th april ,panel three, Hi I am dhanya from kerala PG in Microbiology, i had my interview yesterday: The panel Was friendly, Questions asked where. 1,historic importance of my district 2.what is my idea about banking 3.what do i know about sbi 2nd member 1.about my subject what is microbiology 2.difference b/w virus and bactereria 3. iwas working as teacher,so he asked why do i consider to opt for banking than teaching? 4.Hobby related: i had mentioned gardenoing of vegetables in my hobbies ,he mentioned it and then he asked the relevence of a particular town in my locality. see ing the link was eith my hobby itried a guess answer but that was right(FRIENDS SO JUST KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR THE CLUES ,SOMETIMES THIS MAY HELP YOU IN ANSWERING SOME QUESTIONS otherwise do not go for guess work) 3rd member :(lady) 1.the mythology behind my the name of home town 2.The bacteria which was used to clear oil spills 3.the Pz of bangladesh(READ THAT DAYS' NEWSPAPERA THIS MAY COME IN HANDY) 4.tHE LARGEST RESERVE OF THORIUM( FOR THESE TWO I COULDN'T ANSWER , SO I SAID SORRY MAM , ICANT RECOLLECT IT AT THE MOMENT) 5.RECENTLY SOME ORGANISM WAS INTORDUCED TO COMBACT THE ATTACK OF BEETLE WHAT WAS IT S NAME (FOR THESE TWO I COULDN'T ANSWER , SO I SAID SORRY MAM , ICANT RECOLLECT IT AT THE MOMENT)


hello i hav cleared d SBI written exm..i m a post graduate in english.wht kind of questions dey may ask in d interview? my intrview is on 5th may.plz help.


please send me last ten years entrance exam question papers of sbi clerical?


HI, SBI Results declared on 29th sep at 12 night, you can check it in yeswecan.co.in web site left scrolling, Results are not kept in SBI site on 29th.


Hi!All, I have been called for the SBI clerical grade interview. As for the documents I do not have the passing certificate of my Intermediate, and the final degree of Garduation at present, but have got the provisional certificate and the degree respectively, but I've got all the marksheets. Is there any problem if I carry the marksheets only for the interview, can I submit the final certificates later..?? Please help...


Hi friends,My SBI clerical interview is on 6th May.So please whoever attended the interview,kindly share the experience.It would be grateful.Waiting for a positive response.Thank u.My mail id is manju.sujithpv@gmail.com


i am in waitlisted list which is released by karnataka bank.Can any one tell what it sense.whether it is confirm job r optional.plz forward if any one know abt this


main problems of indian rural areas?


hi frns, my ques are 1) what is master budget? 2) what is capitalization?


I m selected for junior assistance post in repco bank. Any body give advice how to attend interview.


what are the business that will be undertaken by the banks that all ?


hi friends first of all i congratulate all selected candidates selected for interview. If one of u have got call letter for Delhi for 30th April 2010 plz inform me on my email anil.jamalpuria@yahoo.com u also can contact me on 09017785585


can anyone please explain whether getting promoted as po through departmental exams is better or directly getting po post through competitive exams while working as a clerk of a bank?


When will Punjab National Bank Clerical Exam Result will come? The exam was held on 04-04-2010.. If any information then please do share.


do anyone know about the pay scale for clerical post in Federal bank..