can we use sequential file as a lookup
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How can one find bugs in job sequence?
How to reverse the string using unix?
Can you implement SCD2 using join, transformer and funnel stage?
how to get sum of sal based on dept_no and then sum of all sal irrespective of dept_no in same sql. output:- 10, 200(sum of sal for dept_no 10), 5000(sum of all sal)
Explain how a source file is populated?
What are the main differences you have observed between 7.x and 8.x version of datastage?
What is the Environment Variable need to Set to TRIM in Project Level?(In transfermer, we TRIM function but I need to impliment this project level using Environment variable)
Can you explain kafka connector?
Different ways a project can be moved to production ?...example ….export-import and Version control.
What is the difference between Datastage 7.5 and 7.0?
What all are the different way to run a job?
What is the purpose of pivot stage?
how to use self join using datastage ? can u tell me using stage how can we implemnet the self join
What is difference between symmetric multiprocessing and massive parallel processing?
What are transforms and what is the differenece between routines and transforms?