Explain about Economic Importance of Fungi ?

Answer Posted / bibin johnson

Fungi are one of the most important groups of organisms on
the planet. This is easy to overlook, given their largely
hidden, unseen actions and growth. They are important in an
enormous variety of ways.

* Recycling
Fungi, together with bacteria, are responsible for
most of the recycling which returns dead material to the
soil in a form in which it can be reused. Without fungi,
these recycling activities would be seriously reduced. We
would effectively be lost under piles many metres thick, of
dead plant and animal remains.

* Mycorrhizae and plant growth
Fungi are vitally important for the good growth of
most plants, including crops, through the development of
mycorrhizal associations. As plants are at the base of most
food chains, if their growth was limited, all animal life,
including human, would be seriously reduced through

* Food
Fungi are also important directly as food for humans.
Many mushrooms are edible and different species are
cultivated for sale worldwide. While this is a very small
proportion of the actual food that we eat, fungi are also
widely used in the production of many foods and drinks.
These include cheeses, beer and wine, bread, some cakes, and
some soya bean products.

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