why r u going to usa?

Answer Posted / sitasma

USA has always been excellent in providing quality education
by making students gain knowlede in a practical way as much
as possible.Besides the degree sought from US universities
are recognised all over the world.

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My student visa was rejected on 24th june.It was due to immigration file.VO thinks that i will not come back to india.I am going for bachelor's degree at pennstate under collaboration program.So if pennstate write a letter to US consulate regarding me that they are taking responsibility of me that i will return to india after my graduation.So what are my chances for visa?


hii dear boys and girls. i have done an eng diploma from punjab,india. i wanna take admission in california, usa. so pls give me sugestions about colleges in fremont,california,usa.


iam a male iranian ,but dental student in ukrain now.iwant to apply for F2 next summer when i graduate.And my wife is iranian medical doctor.She is going to be F2 on my F1 visa. hOW can i convince officers that i will back to iran?will we both get visa? we would apply in USA embassy in ukrain thanks alot ,,please reply me to DR_JESSICA_AZI@YAHOO.COM


Hey i had 9 backlogs and im gng to us embassy wat is the best reason to give for having 9 backlogs...............plz post best reasons so that i can get visa


i guradated from high-school in 2004, i applied in a college here, but i didn't continue my study, i succesed only in one semster in college here, i quit this month, and i'm applying for F-1 visa,i'm self-sponsor because my father is retired, what would i say if they ask me what were you doing ll this time? and how could you support yourself? PLZ HELP ME BROTHERS.THANKS


hello everyone I have a question which is making me tense as I have visa interview in next 2 days.I am a current student from virginia international university with F-1 visa.Due to some reasons I am going to attend visa again before it got expired.Unfortunately I couldn't drop my documents because i have transferred my university.Now,as I have interview in 2 days I am worried about this question.I will be thankful if anyone could suggest any conveniencing aswers for this question. My Question: why did you change your University? please anyone suggest me a better answer for this thanks in advance


hi iv got my i-20 planning for visa dis month..im basicaly from ece n my major in ms is engineering/industrial management.Plz suggest me sm appropriate answers regarding change of course


Why don't you study this subject(masters in international finance)in Your country or in other country?


Hi Everyone, I discontinued my education in UK as my dad passed away recently. My visa to uk is still valid. I was just curious if this ,by any chance, considered a negative point to the VO?


My interview is few days away and am applying for a us student visa. I have completed my high school in 2005 and after that did a one year course of computer till 2006 and after that was helping my parents with there business till 2007 June. I then completed my swift course in NIIT which was a four months course and in midway appeared for the TOEFL exams. If the person asks what was I doing during the free time, please help me out it is the matter of my career. Thanks!


Hi all, please help me, I from Russia, i can speak in english but litle, after two weeks i must meet with USA posol, what questions he will may ask, and how answer, please help.


Hello This is rahul.I got accepted in saint clod state university for Masters in engineering management program and i got funding too.My total i20 amount would be 6000 dollars yearly as i got scholarships. I actually had applied for 5 other universities but for electrical engineering program.Will they create a big problem for my visa?? I have a brother already there in USA who is about to complete his studies.Will showing my br0ther would result in rejection of my visa?Seeking help from you guys and a solution to takle this problem


why do you want to study computer science?


Do you have to repay this money to your parents? What is your Bank Balance? Why is your Passbook reflecting recent transactions?


Hi guys I had applied for US student visa and i had stayed in uk for 4 years and 10 months. I came back from uk on 27th november and had applied for US F-1 visa for july intake, so my question is I got 3 diff. degrees in mgt. and IT so what I will answer in interview if interviewer will ask me for my london education. Can anybody help me Plz. THANK YOU.