How can u check in SAP system, how, when and by whom which
fields in the customer master record were changed?

Answer Posted / latha

Display the cus. master rec. XD03, and on the top menu in
the Environment - Account changes- all fields . place the
cursor on relevant line and select Choose

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Hi SD Gurus, Have you involved in any Development work for your client? What is the development task that you done for your client / assigned by your client? I want only Business Scenarios, no theory and how did you meet the client requirement which is not met by SAP Standard configuration? I want detailed Procedure, Analysis, Simple coding if any (Please Do not give complex coding steps) Detailed explanation, steps, along with resolution and give more emphasis on how did you arrived at the solution / resolution and logic behind it? I have been asked this question in an recent interview? It’s Urgent!!!!!! Please provide 2-4 real time data examples from your SAP SD Implementation Project? This is most frequently asked question in almost in all interviews. So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards


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