Answer Posted / aaa
With the help of GUI Map Editor where we save all our GUI
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Where do you found that you can't use winrunner for automation?
What is the use of gui map and what happens when gui map file get loaded?
What in contained in the GUI map?
How do you select multiple objects during merging the files?
What is the purpose of set_window command?
Explain the purpose of gui map configuration?
What do you mean by the logical name of the object.
i this is priya speaking, any 1 tell me project detail for NETBANKING and HELTHCARE pls send to this E-MAIL ADDRESS; ( qik, thank u once agajn.
How do you configure gui map?
Dear all i am new to testing my company using and we are developing web based application. How i can test those application with winrunner if any one have some good tutorial or link kindly provide thanks u.
Which function to use to compare the application date with system date?
How do you find an object in an gui map.
What is test parameter
when start testing
Name the different types of checkpoints?