I belive VB6 is a powerful and matured tool that any other
front end tool, why is it outdated? is it because of lack
of awareness or because of difficult to use?

Answer Posted / saurabh kumar rao

1. There is no doubt that VB6 is a powerful and matured
tool, but as we all know in today's world people want
something which can perform both web & desktop applications
quickly and easily. This is one of the reason why developers
have moved from VB6 to say VB.NET.

2. If you think that OOPS concepts are the mother of all
modern programming language then VB6 misses out various
important OOPS concept and hence its outdated.

3. Developers at the miscrosoft have opted to shift to
VB.NET from VB and hence it is becoming outdated.

4 VB6 is not platform independent due to VB runtime. but
VB.NET is platform independent due to Dotnet's CLR.

The fourth point is wrong because as i know VB.Net is also
platform dependent and second thing platform dependence and
CLR are tatolly different things.

You may say fourth point as due to CLR you can work on a
same project in more than one language which are supported
by DotNet platform.

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