hi frends..is there anyone who got selected for canara bank
probationary clerk exam from bangalore?? if anybody is there
plz reply..

Answer Posted / surbhi

my interview date is 25th june...i told u abt the questions
i hd done in the written test...nw plz tell me hw much
preparation is required 4 interview??

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what are the business that will be undertaken by the banks that all ?


aLL SBI Aspirants from UTTARAKHAND share your views to help each other here.


what is banking regulation act?


The aspirants for SBI CLERK (exam held on 2009 November) Share your views here? ATUL KASHIPUR (UTTRAKHAND)


Why you don't try in civil sector


wil u pls send me previous papers of bsrb clerical


whether NOC is required for private sector employee?


hello i hav cleared d SBI written exm..i m a post graduate in english.wht kind of questions dey may ask in d interview? my intrview is on 5th may.plz help.


i have done m.sc in biochemistry subject.so plz tell me what type of question asked by board members of bank in my interview?


Hii !! Friends I wanna know that when is Union Bank Clerical exam held on 10-01-2010 is likely to be coming??? If any information then please do share...


how many type of banks there are?


hi friends! i hv been selected for sbi clerical interview,i got my bio-data form attested in all the pages,is that ok or do they tell anything???plz let me knw,i hv got my interview on 6th may 2010


Plz guys share the interview questions of BOB clerk........ Thanks in advance......


anyone attended the interview in bangalore at basavangudi? how was the verfication process?what questions they r asking?what certficates we have to take?


Guys ,Please tell me the coaching center names in Ameerpet or hyderabad...I believe who are selected in SBI they have taken coaching somewhere.(Without Hard work we won't get).. Thanks in Advance...