There is a 5digit no. 3 pairs of sum is eleven each.
Last digit is 3 times the first one.
3 rd digit is 3 less than the second.
4 th digit is 4 more than the second one.
Find the digit.

Answer Posted / praveen

let first digit be 'X'
then 5th digit is '3X'
let 2nd digit be 'Y'
then 3rd digit is 'Y-3'
and 4th digit is 'Y+4'
then the no is '(X)(Y)(Y-3)(Y+4)(3X)'
from the above we can say 3X<=9
so X<=3 and any of the digit in the number is <=9
and also given that 3 pairs sum is 11...
so make trial and error..

if X=1...any of the no is 10 which is wrong trial....

if X=2...then let Y+4=9 ==> Y=5
then no is 25296

first pair 2+9=11
second pair 2+9=11
third pair 5+6=11

now the answer is 25296

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