Explain half-duplex and full-duplex communication?

Answer Posted / syed yakub sha

A duplex communication system is a system composed of two
connected parties or devices that can communicate with one
another in both directions. (The term duplex is not used
when describing communication between more than two parties
or devices.)

Duplex systems are employed in many communications networks,
either to allow for a communication "two-way street" between
two connected parties or to provide a "reverse path" for the
monitoring and remote adjustment of equipment in the field.

A half-duplex system provides for communication in both
directions, but only one direction at a time (not
simultaneously). Typically, once a party begins receiving a
signal, it must wait for the transmitter to stop
transmitting, before replying.

An example of a half-duplex system is a two-party system
such as a "walkie-talkie" style two-way radio, wherein one
must use "Over" or another previously-designated command to
indicate the end of transmission, and ensure that only one
party transmits at a time, because both parties transmit on
the same frequency.

A good analogy for a half-duplex system would be a one-lane
road with traffic controllers at each end. Traffic can flow
in both directions, but only one direction at a time,
regulated by the traffic controllers.

A full-duplex, or sometimes double-duplex system, allows
communication in both directions, and, unlike half-duplex,
allows this to happen simultaneously. Land-line telephone
networks are full-duplex, since they allow both callers to
speak and be heard at the same time. A good analogy for a
full-duplex system would be a two-lane road with one lane
for each direction.

Examples: Telephone, Mobile Phone, etc.

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