What is JIT and how is works ?

Answer Posted / guest

Before Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) can be
executed, it must be converted by a .NET Framework
just-in-time (JIT) compiler to native code, which is
CPU-specific code that runs on the same computer
architecture as the JIT compiler.
Rather than using time and memory to convert all the MSIL in
a portable executable (PE) file to native code, it converts
the MSIL as it is needed during execution and stores the
resulting native code so that it is accessible for
subsequent calls.
The runtime supplies another mode of compilation called
install-time code generation. The install-time code
generation mode converts MSIL to native code just as the
regular JIT compiler does, but it converts larger units of
code at a time, storing the resulting native code for use
when the assembly is subsequently loaded and executed.
As part of compiling MSIL to native code, code must pass a
verification process unless an administrator has established
a security policy that allows code to bypass verification.
Verification examines MSIL and metadata to find out whether
the code can be determined to be type safe, which means that
it is known to access only the memory locations it is
authorized to access.

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