hi i m called for interview on 29 may 2009..
i wanted to know what is the weightage of interview..
how r candidates selected ie. only in basis of interview or
both written and interview marks..
also what is the selection ratio from among all the
students called for interview..
Answer Posted / surbhi
hi frends..
This is Surbhi. Today 28th May i Had attended my Interview
for SBM in Bangalore.. Interview was nice. They asked me
very simple Questions. Panel has 4 members and one of them
wass a Lady.. Panel members were very cool. I was the first
person in my panel who had attended the interview. The
questions that they asked me are very general:
1. Tell me the speciality of ur city? (I belong to Rajasthan)
2. How u Motivates Others? (As i m MBA IN HR and Marketing)
3. Difference Between Marketing and Selling?
4. What is Marginal Utility Theory? (As economics was one of
my subject in Graduation)
5. Some Questions on Hobbies?
6. What are the functions undertaken by Banks?
7. Questions About my Training Period during MBA?
8. Why do u want to settle in Bangalore?
9. About my Family Background?
Thats it.. Interview was of 10 minutes..they are just
checking our confidence level.. nothing else.. so no need to
worry answer confidentally..and ya one most important thing
plz kindly check ur documents properly as verification
process is very tough...i also faced some problems bt at
last i cleared that level..All the best to those who r going
to appear for Interview..can anyone tell me when results of
Interview can b expected??
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hi what is the starting & closing dates of sbh clerk interview for OBC CATEGORY candidates? at hyderabad andhrapradesh. WHAT IS THE LAST DATE OF CLOSING INTERVIEWS ALL OVER INDIA.
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in sbi clerk exam conducted on jan 23rd 2011 asked a question in general awareness. Question is "somdeverman related to " and given five options, What are the five options? if any one knows please tell urgently Thank you
why i am going to hire you?
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1. What is ur n ur father name? 2. MBA kis college se kiya? N kis stream me kiya? 3. Aapke college me camps placement ke liye konse companies aayi and kya package provide kr rhe the? 4. ARTS me konse subject the? 5. RBI ke governor kon h? n ex governor kon the? 6. Planning commission ke deputy chairman ka naam n planning commission kya krta h? 7. Current ratio kya h n ye kya measure krta h? 8. Solvency ratios bato? 9. Fund flow statement kya h n kya show krta h? 10. India border ko touch krne walle sagar kon -2 se h? 11. Way of bangal n arab sea me milne wali 2-2 river batye? 12. Apka % BA me acha tha , MBA me km kyo? 13. Software ke type bato? 14. System n application software bato? 15. Excel ka file extension kya h? 16. Network kya h? 17. Network se kya benefit hota h?
as you said that this is ur dream job then can u tell us about function of a clerk?
i have selected for clericle iview in sbi.but i missed my application reg printout.is there any possible way to get it.
Can anybody give the ans for this questions it will be helpful for the interview, what are the challanges for banks in future as how to compete with public banks? how to fight with inflation? how to maintain the eco. growth in respect of SEBI & RBI regulations?.
when will be sbi assoicate banks clerks recrutiment2011 result released?
How many marks in SBI clerical written test will make our job hopes fine....Plz anyone ans to this.....will they consider interview marks also?
reserve bank policy
PLZ give me ans for this questions, How will you handle the pressure of customer? What will you do if any customer misbehave with you? What is the current financial situation of nationalized banks?